Want to Close a Stuck Side Business, Wait a First


It is not uncommon for people to want to have a side business even though the salary of their main job is decent. Yes, if there is an opportunity for that, just take it.

As long as both can go hand in hand, that's fine. But sometimes the side business is not so smooth compared to the main work.

When a situation like this happens, the solution taken usually closes the side business. A practical solution, especially for those who are easily discouraged.

For people who are persistent, the opportunity will not be left just as long as there is hope. After all, can still do both at once without significant interference.

Maybe, something is wrong in the side business operations. This is often a problem. Because of its side, then the business is carried out at will.

Please, lose the opportunity to increase income before your eyes. If you are among those who intend to close a stuck business side, wait a minute.

Consider the following trick so that the business runs again, can even run beyond the main work.

1. Read up

If you feel you've done a variety of ways but the side business is not going forward, it means that the time is mirrored. Prepare an original mirror, powder and pencil. Eh, not that mirror.

That is, look again at those ways. Is it really running? For example, make a promo discount. How much is the discount given? Maybe less?

Or the discount is already big, but people only come once. Maybe the goods sold are not satisfying. Or the service is not good enough. The cuisine is less delicious, if the side business is a stall.

2. Add knowledge

People often feel enough with their own knowledge. In fact, learning is unlimited. Included in the business.

Always take the time to look for new knowledge about the business they work at, even if it's a side. If you have a food stall business, for example. Read through culinary magazines, who knows there are new menu ideas.

The most simple is to open Google, then search for sites / blogs that relate to our business. The smartphone is used, don't just make Facebook status updates.

3. Look around

Without us knowing, sometimes there is inspiration from the surrounding environment to advance our efforts. Just look at Nadiem Makarim. He succeeded with Go-Jek after seeing an opportunity from the motorcycle taxi service in Indonesia.

So, look closely at our environment. It also aims to see emerging trends. After knowing the trend, we don't have to follow it.

We can also fight it. His name is also a trend. It can quickly disappear, it can also last long. Who knows we can be a trendsetter, erasing old trends.

4. Slang with competitors

Competitors do not always mean enemies that must be shunned. By hanging out with competitors, we can know a lot about the ins and outs of his business trips.

Including the experience of failure. The point, we can take lessons from failure so as not to follow it.

Also follow the same business association if any. Car rental business associations, for example. By joining this association, knowledge will be increased by exchanging information with other members.

Source : indozone.id

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